Purple House Press is a publisher created expressly to bring back to millions the books they remember reading as children. The publisher is named for Mr. Pine's Purple House and offers, besides The Mad Scientists' Club, a series of revived classic children's and young adult books. You can order The Mad Scientists' Club and The New Adventures of the Mad Scientists' Club directly from Purple House Press.
Homerhickam.com is the Web site of the best-selling author and rocketeer Homer Hickam. His memoir of a small band of rocket enthusiasts in the late Fifties, “Rocket Boys: A Memoir”, was made into an award-winning movie “October Sky.” Like the Mad Scientists of Mammoth Falls, he and his colleagues turned their dreams into real rockets. And, like the Mad Scientists, they had their hometown of Coalwood, West Virginia in an uproar. His site offers abundant information on his books, his boyhood colleagues, space, rocketry, Coalwood, and other topics. Please visit this excellent site. www.homerhickam.com
If you enjoy the Mad Scientists' Club, you will like the Brains Benton mysteries. Written in the early '60s, they show how to use one's noodle to solve problems, in this case, mysteries. Join Brains Benton and his sidekick Jimmy Carson in six stirring adventures at www.brainsbentonanthology.com.
If you enjoy the Mad Scientists' Club, you will certainly like the Alvin Fernald series. Purple House Press has re-issued The Marvelous Inventions of Alvin Fernald with a new cover by Charles Geer, who illustrated the original edition, as he did the Mad Scientists’ Club series. Many readers have read both series of books, so please visit www.alvinfernald.com.
We will add other links to sites that have information related to The Mad Scientists' Club and the subjects of the stories as time goes on.